They had state cops taking pictures of the folks in the line, as well as a local TV crew doing interviews. Some of the more paranoid in-line feared that the state cops were gathering intelligence on those in the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy (VRWC) and the suggestion was made that we all simultaneously moon the cop a la Braveheart:

A BraveHeart Reenactment: Probably not that great of an idea after all
I suspect that the cop was actually just assessing the size of the crowd for Fire-Marshall and capacity/safety concerns.
Once inside, it was (surprise, surprise!) danged crowded. Prices were fairly high but selection was decent for all but EBRs (Eevil Black Rifles), reloading components, and Mag-Pul magazines. Of course, the latter were what I was looking-for.
140-round 0.308 Battle-Packs were available for $75, which was a better price than I had seen in a while. Not a great (or even good) price -- but at least they had the stuff.
Reloading stuff was in EXTREMELY SHORT SUPPLY, especially primers. Rifle primers could not be had for love or money.
A few Yuppies were in the crowd, but far fewer than up at the DC shows (not surprising, given the relative demographics btwn DC and Richmond). By 1100 the place was crammed so full that the O2 supply was dropping below 5% -- it was time for us to leave.
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